Professional custom application is a core part of our service offer.
Down time is not an option in spring season.
So, a new equipment storage shed was completed in November 2019 to help the longevity of the rolling stock. Repairs and maintenance of equipment are extremely important for productivity and having the proper facilities encourages operators to take pride and look after their equipment.
To service our customers, it requires a lot of equipment with a large capital investment. With services being a key driver in our business, it is critical for us to have a positive customer experience in the busy season.
To put it in perspective
On a busy day in May, out at any given time there will be: 5 TerraGators, 3 high clearance sprayers, 13 dry fertilizer delivery units, 37 pull type fertilizer spreaders, 14 liquid wagons, 4 tanker trailers and several packaged goods delivery units.
All five of our Wet/ Dry TerraGators have the ability to apply Variable Rate fertilizer. Our three 120’ boom, row crop sprayers, all have the latest GPS technology equipped with autoboom shut off and section control, making application more efficient and effective.
5 TerraGators
3 high clearance sprayers
13 dry fertilizer delivery units
37 pull type fertilizer spreaders
14 liquid wagons
4 tanker trailers
our equipment at work
Third Party Operators
We also work with a third party Aerial company to apply fungicide on corn, soybeans and wheat. They are also available to spread dry fertilizer and seed cover crop into standing crops.